WithinReach Scholarship
▪ Candidates must have completed coursework at BMCC/CUNY Continuing Education and Workforce Development Literacy Program and received a High School Equivalency Diploma.
▪ Candidates must complete all CUNY or other college admission requirements.
▪ Candidates fill out WithinReach Scholarship Application Form and answer Essay Questions. Submit a personal statement. Minimum 500 words.
▪ Candidates submit one teacher reference.
▪ Candidates submit a copy of their FAFSA Award Letter (and TAP Award Letter if applicable) with the application.
▪ Candidates come in for an interview with member(s) of the WithinReach selection committee.
▪ Personal Essay 35% (7 points)
▪ Teacher Reference 15% (3 points)
▪ Interview 50% (10 points)
Total 20 Points.
The FAFSA Award letter is used to determine the final award amount of the scholarship. It does not determine if a candidate gets the scholarship.
▪ Members of the selection committee will be chosen from the field of adult education and/or be members of the WithinReach Board of Directors. Teachers of any of the year’s applicants will never be on the selection committee. This is to ensure there is no bias.
▪ Committee members will interview each candidate.
▪ Each committee member will score each application according to a rubric.
▪ The top scoring applications will be awarded scholarships or stipends as monies allow for that year.
Rules & Requirements
The WithinReach Foundation offers full scholarships for Associate Degrees regardless of immigration status. Student who are able must apply for FAFSA and TAP every year, and submit FAFSA and TAP award letters to WithinReach annually. This will determine the amount of the scholarship. Awardees will submit a tuition bill every semester to WithinReach, and WithinReach will pay the outstanding tuition (minus Pell and Tap.)
▪ Recipients who receive already receive full aid through Tap/Pell/Excelsior will receive a stipend of $500 per semester, up to $1,000 per year, for a total of 3 years as needed.
▪ Recipients in good standing who choose to continue on to a Bachelor’s Degree will continue to receive the $500 stipend per semester for up to three additional years.
▪ Scholarship awardees must enroll FT and take a minimum of 12 credits a semester. They must enroll a minimum of 2 semesters a year.
▪ Awardees must maintain a 2.5 GPA and submit copies of academic transcripts every semester.
▪ Awardees must complete their AA within 3 years, or transfer in good standing to a senior college within that time-period. Awardees will have up to 5 years total to complete a BA/BS and 3 years total to complete an AA. If awardees transfer to a senior college before completing an AA, their “clock” continues and they have the remainder of their five-year timeframe to complete their degree.
▪ Awardees MUST communicate effectively and respond in a timely manner to emails from . Failure to do so may lead to a delay or cessation in funding and standing.